How to stand out as an SDR or AE in your job search

Don’t apply via job boards She had a few years experience closing midsize ACV’s, and just moved to a completely new city across the states with her family. With no network in the area, she resorted to job boards. I could tell she was bordering on insanity doing this, mindlessly filling out forms with the […]

Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Personas

To do this, you need to be sure that your sales strategies and marketing communications will resonate with your target audience and create qualified leads. A key way of doing this is to create buyer personas and an ideal customer profile. What is an Ideal Customer Profile? An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is an outline […]

How to Identify Recession-Proof Industries for B2B Lead Gen and Sales

Done right, there are real ways for sales and lead gen teams to convert the current crisis into a prudential opportunity. The first step: Focusing your sales and lead generation efforts on known recession-resistant industries. How? Glad you asked. Focus on the Right Markets Even in non-COVID times, companies should be periodically evaluating whether their existing […]