How to Hire the Right Outsourced Sales Development Agency

Outsourcing your company’s lead generation – if done correctly – can be highly effective in filling your sales funnel and increasing turnover. This initial step of attracting potential customers is usually handled by a sales development representative (SDR). With SDRs taking care of lead generation, account executives can then focus on closing deals. When working […]

Step-By-Step Guide to Following up With B2B Leads Generated by SDRs

In this article we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to following up with B2B leads generated by SDRs, giving you the tools to create an effective and robust sales campaign. Prospecting and Conversion Rates Prospecting is the very first step in the sales development process and is where you’ll identify potential customers. In terms of the […]

How to Identify Recession-Proof Industries for B2B Lead Gen and Sales

Done right, there are real ways for sales and lead gen teams to convert the current crisis into a prudential opportunity. The first step: Focusing your sales and lead generation efforts on known recession-resistant industries. How? Glad you asked. Focus on the Right Markets Even in non-COVID times, companies should be periodically evaluating whether their existing […]

Top Considerations For Outsourcing B2B Lead Generation

As a founder of an angel or venture-backed company, the metric that matters is hitting a certain level of revenue. After raising seed funding the clock starts ticking, and there’s usually a 12-18 month window to figure out a customer acquisition channel that will achieve the financial milestones needed to raise further funds. This can […]

When Shift Happens, Shift your Call to Action

– Chris Marin, Founder and Principal of Convert.AI Sales Engagement must adapt to stay relevant during the current economic crisis. Buyers still have business problems to solve. However, the conversations buyers are ready and willing to have are much different now than before the global pandemic spread to the EU and the US. The dialectic […]