Spintax is a tool for producing several distinct variantions of a message using different word selections and placeholders. As a result, you can send customized emails at scale without triggering spam filters or getting reported for duplicate content!

For instance, take the spintax inputs for an email opener “{Hi|Hello|Hey|Howdy|Hey there} Dan”

The output would be randomized variations, such as “Hi Dan,” “Hello Dan,” “Hey there Dan,” “Howdy Dan,” or “Hey Dan.”

An email with just a few such variations can create hundreds of thousands or even millions of alternate messages as a results.

This is great for email deliverability, since no two emails are likely to look the same.

Book a call with us and we’ll tell you. 

We’ve written compelling copy for some of the fastest growing companies on the globe, and we’re happy to share notes so you don’t waste any time.

Simply put: because it sends more emails to the main inbox.

This in turn lifts open rates. As a result, it ultimately boosts demo and appointment rates, by up to 20%!

Plainly stated, if you want to set more meetings, you need to use spintax in your email copy.

Subject lines, email bodies, wedding invites, the choice is yours :)

Spintax is just one element of many factors that make or break a campaign. The others? For starters, they include:

•A golden, deliverable lead list
•Solid messaging
•Compelling scripting
•Captivating copy
•Perhaps equally important is email rotation and inbox deliverability monitoring
Savvy, trained business developers running the right playbooks to get the mileage out of an outbound campaign

If you don’t properly dial these in, it could be the literal difference between 3 appointments per month and 30+ per month.

Are you ready to level up your lead volume with a proper outbound engine?

Contact us to unlock massive growth for your B2B company.


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